Stbl2 Chemically Competent Cell 大肠杆菌化学感受态细胞



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Stbl2 Chemically Competent Cell 大肠杆菌化学感受态细胞


Stbl3;Stbl2;HB101;Stable;Direct repeats 正向重复片段;Retroviral sequences 逆转录病毒序列;


产品订购:更大包装或产品技术问题,请来电/在线咨询,电话:021-54736159 。


产品名称 规格


 MF2316-1000UL    Stbl2 Chemically Competent Cell大肠杆菌化学感受态细胞    10×100μl     280
 MF2316-5000UL Stbl2 Chemically Competent Cell大肠杆菌化学感受态细胞 50×100μl 1280



组分编号      组分名称


MF2316-1000UL         MF2316-5000UL        
MF2316-A          Stbl2 Competent Cell 10×100μl MF2316-A
MF2316-B Control Plasmid puC19, 10 pg/µl              10μl MF2316-B



Stbl2菌株来源于大肠杆菌JM109菌株,特别适用于克隆不稳定插入片段(比如正向重复序列,逆转录病毒序列)。Stbl2中的mcr 突变和mcrBC-hsdRMS-mrr序列的删除允许甲基化基因组序列的克隆。也可用于慢病毒载体的克隆。由于不含lacZ∆M15,无法提供来自pUC或类似载体上β-半乳糖苷酶基因的α-互补序列,因此不能进行蓝白斑筛选。除了recA1之外,Stbl2包含一系列独特的基因标志,使其能够稳定克隆正向重复和逆转录病毒序列和串联排列基因。另含有endA1突变,明显增加质粒产量和质量。

Stbl2菌株基因型:F– mcrA Δ(mcrBC-hsdRMS-mrr) recA1 endA1 lon gyrA96 thi supE44 relA1 λ– Δ(lac-proAB)


本品是Stbl2菌株经特殊工艺制作所得的感受态细胞,可用于DNA的热击转化。经pUC19质粒检测转化效率>109 cfu/μg DNA。且在-80℃能稳定保存几个月转化效率不发生改变。







1)   对不稳定DNA克隆或逆转录病毒/慢病毒载体克隆,涂板后应在30℃培养,以减少错误重组的发生概率。

2)   转化时SOC或LB培养基均可用,前者能提高转化效率约20%。

3)   感受态细胞必须用干冰运输。感受态细胞应在-80℃保存,不可反复冻融且放置时间过长,否则会减低感受态细胞的转化效率。

4)   最好在冰上融化感受态细胞。

5)   进行转化操作时,需在相应温度及无菌条件下进行。

6)   为防止转化实验不成功,可保留部分连接反应液以重新转化,将损失降到最低。

7)   产品包装内含质粒pUC19 DNA(10 pg/μl),供对照实验用。

8)   为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套操作。


1)   从-80℃取出感受态细胞迅速置于冰浴中5min使其完全融化。

2)   向融化的感受态细胞中加入目的DNA(根据实际情况加入适量的DNA,通常100 μl感受态细胞能够被1 ng超螺旋质粒DNA所饱和),用手轻弹混匀(避免用移液枪上下吹打),冰浴静置25-30min。

3)   42℃热击45s,迅速将离心管转移到冰浴中,冰上静置2-3min。此过程不要摇动离心管。

4)  向每个离心管中加入900 μl无菌的SOC或LB培养基(不含抗生素),混匀后置于37℃ 摇床,225 rpm振荡培养60min,目的使质粒上相关的抗性标记基因表达,使菌体复苏。


5)  5000rpm离心1min,吸走900 μl上清,留取100μl左右吹打重悬菌体,加到含相应抗生素的SOC或LB固体琼脂培养基上,用无菌的涂布棒将细胞均匀涂开,将平板置于室温(或37℃)直至液体被吸收,倒置培养,37℃或30℃培养12-16h。



附表1 固体和液体LB培养基配方

组分Component LB(液体)/升           LB(固体)/升         
胰蛋白胨Tryptone 10g 10g
酵母提取物Yeast extract       5g 5g
氯化钠NaCl 10g 10g
1N NaOH 调整pH至7.0 调整pH至7.0
琼脂Agar / 15g

附表2 固体和液体SOC培养基配方

组分Component SOC(液体)/升       SOC(固体)/升       
胰蛋白胨Tryptone 20g 20g
酵母提取物Yeast extract        5g 5g
NaCl 0.5g 0.5g
KCl 0.186g 0.186g
MgCl2 0.95g 0.95g
MgSO4 1.2g 1.2g
Glucose 3.6g 3.6g
1N NaOH 调整pH至7.0 调整pH至7.0
琼脂Agar / 15g
1N NaOH 调整pH至7.0 调整pH至7.0
琼脂Agar / 15g


附录. Stbl2基因型说明

Stbl2基因型:F– mcrA Δ(mcrBC-hsdRMS-mrr) recA1 endA1 lon gyrA96 thi supE44 relA1 λ– Δ(lac-proAB)

A self-transmissible, low-copy plasmid used for the generation of single-stranded DNA when infected with M13 phage; may contain a resistance marker to allow maintenance and will often carry the lacI and lacZ∆M15 genotypes
mcrA, mcrBC,or mrr Mutations that allow methylated DNA to not be recognized as foreign; this genotype is necessary when cloning genomic DNA or methylated cDNA 
hsd Mutations in the system of methylation and restriction that allow E. coli to recognize DNA as foreign. The hsd genotype allows efficient transformation of DNA generated from PCR reactions *hsdR–eliminates restriction of unmethylated EcoK I sites. (1) **hs
recA  Mutation in a gene responsible for general recombination of DNA; particularly desirable when cloning genes with direct repeats
endA  endA Mutation in the non-specific endonuclease Endonuclease I; eliminates non-specific endonuclease activity, resulting in improved plasmid preps 
supE,F  tRNA glutamine suppressor of amber (supE)(UAG) or tyrosine (supF) 
lon lon Deficiency in the Lon ATPase-dependent protease; decreases the degradation of recombinant proteins; all B strains carry this mutation 
gyrA96   DNA gyrase mutant produces resistance to nalidixic acid
lacY1   Blocks use of lactose via β-D-galactosidase mutant
proAB   proAB Requires proline for growth on minimal media
rpsL Confers resistance to streptomycin (this makes a mutant ribosomal protein, small subunit, the target of the drug) 
thi-1     Requires thiamine for growth on minimal media
leuB   Requires leucine for growth on minimal media via β-isopropyl malate dehydrogenase mutation
dam/dcm Abolishes endogenous adenine methylation at GATC sequences (dam) or cytosine methylation at CCWGG sequences (dcm). Used to propagate DNA for cleavage with certain restriction enzymes (e.g. Ava II, Bcl I) 
lacI Encodes the lac repressor that controls expression from promoters that carry the lac operator; IPTG binds the lac repressor and derepresses the promoter; often used when performing blue/white screening or to control expression of recombinant genes 
lacZ∆M15 Element required for β-galactosidase complementation when plated on X-gal; used in blue/white screening of recombinants; usually carried on the lambdoid prophage φ80 or F´
DE3  Lysogen that encodes T7 RNA polymerase. Used to induce expression in T7-driven expression systems
relA   RNA is synthesized in absence of protein synthesis (relaxed phenotype) relA locus regulates the coupling between transcription and translation. In the wild type, limiting amino acid concentrations results in the shutdown of RNA synthesis
proAB   proAB Requires proline for growth on minimal media 



 — —Written/Edited by V. Shallan【版权归集奇生物/MKBio懋康所有】




重量 50 克






